Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 3 - God's Word is Surprising!

Yesterday when we left Paul he was in a pretty tough situation, but he was comforted by knowing God and His Word. Today's story is found in Acts 28:1-10. (Read it here!) Paul had something surprising happen! Paul was on the island where his ship wrecked. He was gathering firewood and putting it on a fire when all of a sudden he was bitten by a snake - and not just any snake - a viper! It was hanging off of his hand! That's a surprise, huh? But the best surprise of all is that God took care of him again. Paul didn't die - he didn't even get sick.

God's Word is full of surprises. The Bible tells us about people who were stuck with no hope and God gave them a surprise way out. The Bible tells us about people who really messed up, but God used them anyway. Best of all, the Bible tells the story about how we were all lost in sin, but God sent His very own Son to take our punishment.

Make sure you come back tomorrow for even more surprises! And bring a friend!

What to Talk About at Home:
- Talk about the best surprise each of you has ever had!
- For icky fun - research vipers and see what some look like. What would you think if one was hanging off of you with his teeth sunk in???
- Pick one of the stories below to read together and find God's surprise:
- Practice today's memory verse: "Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions." Psalm 119:18

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