Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 1 - God's Word is True

What a great first day! We saw lots of excited faces and had a blast. Most importantly, we learned about how God's Word is True! (Let's Go!)

Today we experienced a Bible story from Acts 12:1-9. (You can read it here!) A man named Peter had been put in jail for teaching about Jesus. God sent an angel who freed Peter from prison! Peter knew that God had promised to take care of him, and guess what... God's Word is True! He does what He says He is going to do.

In our world today, it is hard to know what and who to believe. We often find out that celebrities, news reports, even scientific studies aren't what they claim to be. Sadly, even sometimes the adults that kids trust disappoint. Kids need a foundation. They need to know that God's Word is always true and that the can trust Him.
What to Talk About at Home:

- Discuss things that your kids used to believe were true but later learned were not.
- Talk about how it can help us to know that God's Word is always true. Some examples:
  • His Word can help us make choices - and we know they will be the right ones.
  • His Word can help us know how to behave - and we know it will be the right way.
  • His Word tells us what God really thinks about us - and we know that is true.
  • His Word tells us the one way to go to Heaven - and we don't have to wonder!
- Say today's memory verse together: "But You are near, O Lord and all your commands are true." Psalm 119:151
- Leave a comment sharing your kiddo's favorite part of the day.

1 comment:

Holtzapfel said...

My favorite part of the day was when we were singing and dancing! Madison Holtzapfel